[Autonogram] new books + old wheels = autonomedia

Ben at Autonomedia ben@autonomedia.org
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:10:37 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Dear Autonomedia mailing list --

Yes, it's been a long time since I've sent out an Autonogram email 
newsletter, but it's not because I don't love you. On the contrary, 
everything I do is for you, though I haven't told you about it in a 
while, for which I apologize. But there is news, there are new books, 
and in general there's plenty to say on the Autonomedia front.

* * * * *

First: Do you know about the Autonomadic Bookmobile? This is the 
ambitious and awesome project curated, directed, and navigated by our 
colleagues shared with the Bindlestiff Family Circus, Drs. Henceforth 
Flummox and Okra P. Dingle. The doctors have been going out on the 
road for the last few summers with a truckful of small-press books 
and zines, on a circuit-preaching mission to promote and distribute 
the free radicals that are increasingly hard to find in our 
consolidated-media world. The Bookmobile is equipped with a full load 
of books from Autonomedia, AK Press, Black and Red, Charles H. Kerr, 
New Mouth from the Dirty South, and plenty more, as well as a careful 
selection of zines from around the country. And because it's a 
self-contained operation (putting the "auto" in autonomous, if you 
will), the directors can pretty much open it up anywhere they see 
fit, from abandoned K-mart parking lots to hipster runways to 
Sherwood Andersonian small-town squares, spreading their good news 
into as many contexts as possible. It's a marvelous endeavor, but 
they're in need of some help, so check their schedule, go get some 
books when they're nearby, and consider making a donation to their 
operation -- I'm pasting their recent fundraising letter, and will 
also point you to the donation box on their schedule 


Dear friends,

Remember that circus truck full of small and radical press books and 
zines? That sideshow you tossed a tomato at? Well, it's coming round 
again. We're currently booking our 2003 summer/fall tour, but to 
really get it on the road we need to ask for your help.

Here is our hope: that there are 100 people out there who are able to 
give $10 to allow the Autonomadic Bookmobile and Medicine Show to 
travel this year.

Of course, we would be endlessly grateful if you could donate more 
(remember, it's tax-deductible!) But we know that most people are in 
difficult positions right now, so we're only asking for $10. We will 
receive every bit of help with love and gratitude and a receipt for 
tax purposes.

Please note: the Bookmobile remains fully a part of Autonomedia, a 
501(c)3 nonprofit in New York. But Bookmobile "headquarters" have 
moved to New Orleans. So...

Please send checks *made out to Autonomedia*, money orders, or 
well-concealed cash to:
The Autonomadic Bookmobile
PO Box 71831
New Orleans, LA 70172

This project does not receive any corporate or government funding. 
Please help us bring independent books and circus sideshow to your 
town in 2003!

Yours in gratitude,
Dr. Henceforth Flummox
Okra P. Dingle


read more about the bookmobile at 

* * * * *

On to the book front: Two new books are about to pop, another finally 
emerged a couple months ago, and reprints galore are nigh upon us!


"Revolutionary Writing" is an anthology of essays related to the 
autonomous marxist tradition, of which Antonio Negri is the 
best-known thinker. Indeed, Negri contributed three pieces to this 
collection, which also includes work from such notables as Harry 
Cleaver, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, George Caffentzis, John Holloway, and 
Werner Bonefeld (who also edited the book). For more on this book, 
including a sample chapter and table of contents, go to 


"Domain Errors" is the latest project by the subRosa collective, an 
international group of feminist writers, artists, theorists and 
activists engaged in formulating a contestational politics for 
tactical cyberfeminism. In 26 pieces, the book explores the matrices 
connecting gender, technology, reproduction, and representation; 
excerpts and a table of contents will shortly be up at 


"Behind the Blip" by Matthew Fuller is the first book of criticism on 
the culture of software, sort of a critical theory of the realities 
shaped by the software tools we use every day. Matthew Fuller is a 
regular contributor to the Nettime email list on art, tech, and 
politics, and a familiar name on the British media theory scene. 

Both "Domain Errors" and "Behind the Blip" are expected to arrive in 
our warehouse in the week of July 7; I'll send out another note upon 
their arrival.


Reprints: "Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout 
Culture" is finally back in print and can be seen at 
http://www.autonomedia.org/gonetocroatan; "Scandal: Essays in Islamic 
Heresy" and "Pirate Utopias", both by Peter Lamborn Wilson, are at 
the printers now, due back in late July (and Pirate Utopias has new 
material written for this edition); and "TAZ: The Temporary 
Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism" is also at 
the printer, with an updated edition due back in late July. Release 
notices to follow!

* * * * *

One final thing to look forward to is our brand new online bookstore. 
Some of you have made suggestions on how to improve the ease of use 
and general functionality of our bookstore; thanks to the smarties at 
Openflows.org, we're closing in on a full revision of the store. Or 
to put it another way, enjoy the clunky online-retailing apparatus 
we've got in place now while it lasts, because soon it'll be gone 

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Questions, broken-promise notices, name removals and bribery attempts 
can be made with me, ben@autonomedia.org, from whom you'll hear more 

Ben / Autonomedia
calendar of events: 
radical discussion kiosk: http://slash.autonomedia.org
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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 }
 --></style><title>new books + old wheels =
<div><font color="#000000">Dear Autonomedia mailing list --</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Yes, it's been a long time since I've sent
out an Autonogram email newsletter, but it's not because I don't love
you. On the contrary, everything I do is for you, though I haven't
told you about it in a while, for which I apologize. But there is
news, there are new books, and in general there's plenty to say on
the Autonomedia front.<br>
* * * * *</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">First: Do you know about the Autonomadic
Bookmobile? This is the ambitious and awesome project curated,
directed, and navigated by our colleagues shared with the Bindlestiff
Family Circus, Drs. Henceforth Flummox and Okra P. Dingle. The
doctors have been going out on the road for the last few summers with
a truckful of small-press books and zines, on a circuit-preaching
mission to promote and distribute the free radicals that are
increasingly hard to find in our consolidated-media world. The
Bookmobile is equipped with a full load of books from Autonomedia, AK
Press, Black and Red, Charles H. Kerr, New Mouth from the Dirty
South, and plenty more, as well as a careful selection of zines from
around the country. And because it's a self-contained operation
(putting the &quot;auto&quot; in autonomous, if you will), the
directors can pretty much open it up anywhere they see fit, from
abandoned K-mart parking lots to hipster runways to Sherwood
Andersonian small-town squares, spreading their good news into as
many contexts as possible. It's a marvelous endeavor, but they're in
need of some help, so check their schedule, go get some books when
they're nearby, and consider making a donation to their operation --
I'm pasting their recent fundraising letter, and will also point you
to the donation box on their schedule page(</font><font
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
Dear friends,</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Remember that circus truck full of small
and radical press books and zines? That sideshow you tossed a tomato
at? Well, it's coming round again. We're currently booking our 2003
summer/fall tour, but to really get it on the road we need to ask for
your help.</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Here is our hope: that there are 100
people out there who are able to give $10 to allow the Autonomadic
Bookmobile and Medicine Show to travel this year.</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Of course, we would be endlessly grateful
if you could donate more (remember, it's tax-deductible!) But we know
that most people are in difficult positions right now, so we're only
asking for $10. We will receive every bit of help with love and
gratitude and a receipt for tax purposes.</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Please note: the Bookmobile remains fully
a part of Autonomedia, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in New York. But
Bookmobile &quot;headquarters&quot; have moved to New Orleans.
<div><font color="#000000">Please send checks *made out to
Autonomedia*, money orders, or well-concealed cash to:<br>
The Autonomadic Bookmobile<br>
PO Box 71831<br>
New Orleans, LA 70172</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">This project does not receive any
corporate or government funding. Please help us bring independent
books and circus sideshow to your town in 2003!</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">Yours in gratitude,</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">Dr. Henceforth Flummox</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">Okra P. Dingle</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">*</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">read more about the bookmobile at
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">* * * * *</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">On to the book front: Two new books are
about to pop, another finally emerged a couple months ago, and
reprints galore are nigh upon us!<br>
<div><font color="#000000">&quot;Revolutionary Writing&quot; is an
anthology of essays related to the autonomous marxist tradition, of
which Antonio Negri is the best-known thinker. Indeed, Negri
contributed three pieces to this collection, which also includes work
from such notables as Harry Cleaver, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, George
Caffentzis, John Holloway, and Werner Bonefeld (who also edited the
book). For more on this book, including a sample chapter and table of
contents, go to</font><font color="#1C5F30"><u>
></span>writing</u></font><font color="#000000"><br>
<div><font color="#000000">&quot;Domain Errors&quot; is the latest
project by the subRosa collective, an international group of feminist
writers, artists, theorists and activists engaged in formulating a
contestational politics for tactical cyberfeminism. In 26 pieces, the
book explores the matrices connecting gender, technology,
reproduction, and representation; excerpts and a table of contents
will shortly be up at</font><font color="#1C5F30"><u>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
<div><font color="#000000">&quot;Behind the Blip&quot; by Matthew
Fuller is the first book of criticism on the culture of software,
sort of a critical theory of the realities shaped by the software
tools we use every day. Matthew Fuller is a regular contributor to
the Nettime email list on art, tech, and politics, and a familiar
name on the British media theory scene.</font><font
color="#1C5F30"><u> http://www.autonomedia.org/behindtheblip<span
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">Both &quot;Domain Errors&quot; and
&quot;Behind the Blip&quot; are expected to arrive in our warehouse
in the week of July 7; I'll send out another note upon their
<div><font color="#000000">Reprints: &quot;Gone to Croatan: Origins
of North American Dropout Culture&quot; is finally back in print and
can be seen at</font><font color="#1C5F30"><u>
></span>;</u></font><font color="#000000"> &quot;Scandal: Essays in
Islamic Heresy&quot; and &quot;Pirate Utopias&quot;, both by Peter
Lamborn Wilson, are at the printers now, due back in late July (and
Pirate Utopias has new material written for this edition); and
&quot;TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic
Terrorism&quot; is also at the printer, with an updated edition due
back in late July. Release notices to follow!<br>
* * * * *</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">One final thing to look forward to is our
brand new online bookstore. Some of you have made suggestions on how
to improve the ease of use and general functionality of our
bookstore; thanks to the smarties at Openflows.org, we're closing in
on a full revision of the store. Or to put it another way, enjoy the
clunky online-retailing apparatus we've got in place now while it
lasts, because soon it'll be gone forever!<br>
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *</font><br>
<div><font color="#000000">Questions, broken-promise notices, name
removals and bribery attempts can be made with me,</font><font
color="#1C5F30"><u> ben@autonomedia.org</u></font><font
color="#000000">, from whom you'll hear more soon!</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
Ben / Autonomedia<br>
<div><font color="#000000">calendar of events:
<div><font color="#000000">radical discussion kiosk: