[Autonogram] Autonomedia and the gift economy

Ben at Autonomedia ben at autonomedia.org
Fri Dec 8 12:05:27 EST 2006

Greetings Autonomedia readers and supporters --

If you're giving gifts at this time of year, why not give some 
Autonomedia books, and help support our small radical publishing 
operation while moving some lively ideas around?

First, our 2007 Calendar of Jubilee Saints is shipping out now! This 
is our annual wall calendar featuring a practitioner of revolution, 
liberation, and other forms of Jubilee for every day of the year, 
plus obscure (and invented!) holidays, "On This Day" histories, and 
wild collage art by James Koehnline. $9.95 each, and discounts for 
order of 5 and up.

Next, we're reprising our big sale from the summer: Every Autonomedia 
book in our bookstore is currently discounted between 20% and 70%, 
with some books on sale for as little as 2 bucks, through December 
21. Check out all of our titles at 

Autonomedia also distributes related books and other media from a 
range of other publishers, large and small, and currently have some 
of these at discount prices. Included in our big sale are hardcover 
editions of Debord's "Panegyric" and Hardt and Negri's "Empire" and 
"Multitude", Werner Blumenberg's illustrated biography of Marx, books 
on race theory, Tel Quel, anarchism, Chinese communism, Julia 
Kristeva, postmodernism, feminism, C.L.R. James, radical unionism, 
etc. Click the "specials" link on the front of the bookstore for the 
full list, but here are some highlights:

Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire (paper, $15.95) 

Hardt / Negri, Multitude (hardback, $15.95)

Guy Debord, Panegyric vols 1 and 2 (hardback, $11.95) (This book is 
GORGEOUS, and we only have a few!)

Werner Blumenberg's Illustrated Biography of Marx (hardcover, $12.95)

Pierre Bourdieu, The Rules of Art (hardcover, $24.95)

There are lots more where these came from; please click 
http://bookstore.autonomedia.org/index.php?main_page=specials for the 
full list.
* * * * *

That's all for now, all bests for the start of the new year to you, 
and thanks for reading!

Ben Meyers

ps You'll excuse about the terrible pun in the subject line... As 
soon as this unbearable political economy is rendered into dust and 
we can all start living rewarding lives that don't revolve around 
work and money, we'll gladly start filling all the free bins in town 
with our backlist!

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